JESUS CHRIST MASHIAH.JESUS CHRIST? CHRIST -JESUS? What does the Hebrew acrostic say? Because mashiah is not just a name but a dimension. You know what ? is not the king of kings, the lord of lords of his personal will. Jesus, only lord and savior of humanity. The path, truth and life.
If you observe carefully, you will see that we are not Christians by chance. It's a selection. You are a chosen one of the father who attracted you among so many other people. He did it to save you from the womb. And through you save those around you, save several other people. Now regarding Mashiach, what are its real implications? Let's follow together please and you will tell me what level are you at now. Before starting I remind you that there are 4 dimensions in MASHIAH.
-FIRST DIMENSION: “Ma” dimunitive of the word mayim which means water or waters in Hebrew.
Concerning physical birth: the baby from the embryonic stage to birth bathes in the waters which are in the womb of its mother. It is totally DEPENDENT on her, on what she eats, on what she drinks, on what she feels. Even his breathing. He is not free. This is the period of the beginning of his life. Genesis 1. (Start of creation with the waters above and the waters below)
-SECOND DIMENSION: The CHA of MACHIAH-JESUS is the dimunitive of CHALAB (in Hebrew means milk).
The people of Israel, released from servitude, delivered by the opening of the red sea (the womb), learn to know their God through his word through the prophet Moses.
The new Christian who leaves the servitude of the world needs, in order to better stand and grow spiritually, spiritual milk like the infant to whom one must give mother's milk (perfect and sufficient food at a certain stage of life). his growth).
1PETER 2:2: Desire, like newborn children, the spiritual and pure milk, that by it you may grow unto salvation. For it represents the first rudiments of the doctrine of Christ, of the oracles of God. We must drink in the word of God to grow better, but above all aspire for this word to pass from milk to honey which is the prerogative of the most mature.
Parallel Verses
Louis Segond Bible: You, indeed, who should have been teachers for a long time, still need to be taught the first rudiments of the oracles of God, you have come to need milk and not solid food . 13But everyone who is milked has not experience in the word of righteousness; because he is a child. 14 But solid food is for mature men, whose judgment is trained by practice to discern what is good and what is evil.
Martin Bible: But whoever uses milk does not know what the word of righteousness is; because he is a child.
Darby Bible: For everyone who uses milk is inexperienced in the word of righteousness, because he is a little child. (Source
-THIRD DIMENSION: The IA OR YA OF YAYIN (which means wine in Hebrew) in MASHIAH.
I and Y have the same value in the HEBREW ALPHABET.
Proverbs 20:1 Wine [yayin] is mocking, strong drink is riotous; Anyone who overdoes it is not wise.
1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child; when I became a man, I made what was childish disappear.
1 Corinthians 14:20 Brothers, do not be children in judgment; but for malice be children, and in judgment be grown men.
Ephesians 4:14 That we may no longer be children, tossing about with every wind of doctrine, through the deceitfulness of men, through their cunning in the ways of deceiving.
This dimension is the symbolism of grown men, but still carnal having not yet reached the divine nature that the father seeks.
Our God needs men and women empowered by the Holy Spirit for his work.
-FOURTH DIMENSION: The H (He in Hebrew) represents the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet comes from shemen which in Hebrew means olive oil, anointing, anointing.
This is the Supreme dimension, which represents the barrier between Christ and sin.
Our Lord and Savior received the anointing without measure. He is clothed with power from on high.
This dimension is symbolic of the presence of the spirit in us, which allows us to operate in a supernatural way like Christ. This is the higher dimension.
Mashiah (Hebrew) = Christos (Greek) = Anointed (French), i.e.:
The one who received the sacred anointing oil on his head.
The words Messiah, Christ, or Anointed are therefore synonymous.
The oil represents the Holy Spirit.
Who received the anointing in the old covenant?
The priests (or priests), descendants of Aaron – Exodus 29 v 4 to 9 / Psalm 133 v 2.
The prophets, spokespersons for God – 1 kings 19 v 15 & 16.
Kings – 1 Samuel 10 v 1 2 Kings 11 v 12.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect leader
The anointing of Jesus Christ – Psalm 45 v 8 / Hebrews 1 v 8 & 9.
He is the High Priest (high priest) – Hebrews 4 v 14 to 16.
He is the King of kings – John 18 v 36 and 37 / Revelation 19 v 16.
He is the Prophet announced by Moses - Deuteronomy 18 v 18 / Acts 3 v 22, the Word (LOGOS) incarnate - John 1 v 14.
The people of the new covenant
We are anointed with the Holy Spirit the moment He comes into us (new birth). We no longer use oil as in the OT, because it is God himself who anoints us with his Spirit – 2 Corinthians 1 v 21 & 22 1 John 2 v 20.
This makes us: Priests in the service of God – Revelation 1 v 6.
Spokesmen of God, (this is the meaning of the word prophet in Greek) – 1 Peter 2 v 9 & 10 / Revelation 19 v 10.
Called to reign during the millennium - Revelation 20 v 6, and in the new creation, because the Lord wants us to participate in his reign - Rev 22 v 5 /2 Timothy 2 v 11 & 12.
The devil didn't create anything he tries to imitate what God does.
There are false Christs who are his agents – Matthew 24 v 5, as well as the Anti-Christ – Revelation 13
It is truly a great privilege to belong to God's people!
Have you received his anointing?